Pet Owner Education

CBD for Pets: A Budding Medication

We use a wide variety of medications in veterinary medicine. Many of them overlap with human medicine but are prescribed at different dosages and for different conditions. In the last few years, CBD has made its way into veteri

High, How Are You? THC Toxicity in Pets

Marijuana, THC, pot, grass, 420…by any other name, it is no friend of pets. Dogs don’t dab, cats don’t chill, and no hot-boxing allowed. Veterinarians and our staff don’t care what your personal choices are;

Bringing Up Two Points

Ear cropping is an elective surgery currently implemented in approximately 20 dog breeds, including Dobermans, Great Danes, Boxers, Schnauzers, and many others. This procedure involves the surgical removal of most or all of the

A Sticky Situation

It may be a difficult point to continue hammering home for your pup, but sticks do your dogs no favors. During the spring, summer, and fall, I see 1-2 dogs weekly who have accidentally impaled themselves while playing with stic

Not Always Greener: Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

Why do dogs eat grass? A question vets get every day with no definitive answer. There are many theories on why your dog may be going green, including instinct, dietary deficiencies, boredom, and underlying illness. Regardless o

E-Collars: Short Range Shame

A cone or E-collar is one of the most benign-looking torture devices we vets like to inflict on pet parents and their furry friends. Veterinarians have invented many different types of these torture devices: calming collars, bi