Regenerative Pain Management

Keeping your pet comfortable at every age.

Regenerative Pain Management

Keeping your pet comfortable at every age.

Most pet owners know firsthand how difficult it is to watch a pet struggle with chronic orthopedic pain. Numerous prescription medications and nutritional supplements are available to treat joint pain in dogs, but as disease progresses it becomes increasingly challenging to manage with medication alone. These medications also have the potential for side effects that will prevent their use in certain patients.

0+ Years of Veterinary Experience

Thankfully, cutting-edge pain control treatment modalities are now available. We are proud to offer regenerative pain management at Tier 1. This innovative therapy uses a dog’s own cells to regenerate and heal damaged tissue in the joints. Regenerative medicine is highly beneficial for arthritis, ligament and tendon injuries, spinal disease, or after orthopedic surgery.

The regenerative therapy process begins with a short surgical procedure to remove a small amount of fat from your dog.  The harvested tissue is then processed into stem cells which are injected into the damaged joints.  Stem cells heal damaged tissue, stimulate new tissue growth, increase blood flow to the joint, and have anti-inflammatory properties. Another regenerative treatment method utilizes platelet-rich plasma, which is produced from your dog’s own blood and has similar healing effects.

Regenerative therapy is very safe. Because we use your pet’s own cells, there is no risk of immune system rejection.  It can be combined with any other treatment modality and will not interfere with any medications your pet is receiving. Thanks to the additional pain control provided by regenerative therapy, we may be able to cut back on your pet’s prescription medications and limit the risk of serious side effects.

Pets are living longer than ever, and we don’t want pain to stand in the way of a good quality of life.  Successful pain control often requires multiple treatment modalities. Regenerative therapy is a valuable component of the treatment regimen for dogs struggling with joint pain.

If your pet suffers from arthritis or other orthopedic disease, please schedule a consultation with our team of specialists at Tier 1 to discuss regenerative pain management.

Learn how platelet rich plasma therapy works for dogs

Regenerative Pain Management