Tier 1 Vet Exterior Winter-min

Making History in Alaska and the Veterinary World

In just 3 years, Tier 1 VMC surpassed multiple industry benchmarks by recruiting 11 Doctors of Veterinary Medicine (DVMs) and over 60 Technicians to join them, all IN THE ARCTIC regions of Alaska. But how?

woman waiting with cat in vet lobby

What to Expect in the Emergency Room at Tier 1 VMC

Not all animal hospitals handle their emergency services the same way, but this is how we function at Tier 1. On any given day at Tier 1, there are between 1 and 6 doctors seeing patients. This number includes specialists, prim

dog being vaccinated

Straight to the Core: Recommended Vaccines for Dogs

Lately, so much of our news stream and media focus on vaccinations and boosters — how many and how often. So I might as well use this opportunity for a plug on the canine core vaccinations. Many people are actually unsure wha

pet food with CBD tincture

CBD for Pets: A Budding Medication

We use a wide variety of medications in veterinary medicine. Many of them overlap with human medicine but are prescribed at different dosages and for different conditions. In the last few years, CBD has made its way into veteri

dog sick with thc toxicity

High, How Are You? THC Toxicity in Pets

Marijuana, THC, pot, grass, 420…by any other name, it is no friend of pets. Dogs don’t dab, cats don’t chill, and no hot-boxing allowed. Veterinarians and our staff don’t care what your personal choices are;

dobermans with cropped and uncropped ears

Bringing Up Two Points

Ear cropping is an elective surgery currently implemented in approximately 20 dog breeds, including Dobermans, Great Danes, Boxers, Schnauzers, and many others. This procedure involves the surgical removal of most or all of the

helping your pet age well

Going for the Golden Years: Helping Your Pet Age Well

Pets, just like the rest of us, inevitably age. As much as we would like to, even vets can’t fight the aging process. However, we can share a few tips to help you add quantity and — more importantly — quality