dog playing with stick in the water

A Sticky Situation

It may be a difficult point to continue hammering home for your pup, but sticks do your dogs no favors. During the spring, summer, and fall, I see 1-2 dogs weekly who have accidentally impaled themselves while playing with stic

dog eating grass

Not Always Greener: Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

Why do dogs eat grass? A question vets get every day with no definitive answer. There are many theories on why your dog may be going green, including instinct, dietary deficiencies, boredom, and underlying illness. Regardless o

dog wearing e-collar

E-Collars: Short Range Shame

A cone or E-collar is one of the most benign-looking torture devices we vets like to inflict on pet parents and their furry friends. Veterinarians have invented many different types of these torture devices: calming collars, bi

australian shepherd in the snow

Prepare to Dock

There are very few breeds that are born with docked tails. If a puppy is to have its tail docked, similar to dew claws, they are usually removed within the first 5 days of life. In the case of unforeseen circumstances, like ill

sporting dog running in field

Dew or Don’t? Considerations for Removing Dew Claws

Dew claws used to be a forgone conclusion; breeders removed them within the first few days after birth, and you never knew what you were missing. Dew claws that made it through the initial round of removal were commonly removed

puppy held by a veterinarian

When to Make a Short Cut: Spaying & Neutering Pets

When to spay or neuter your pet is a common question for every pet owner, not just first-timers. Recommendations have changed over the years; it used to be as soon as they are big enough for anesthesia to be safe. The decision

holiday hazard for pets

Keep Your Pet Safe by Avoiding These Holiday Follies

As we prepare for our Christmas and holiday celebrations, there are our 4-legged revelers to bear in mind while planning our festivities. Here are a few precarious party stoppers to avoid, so you keep your holiday merry and bri