pet food with CBD tincture

CBD for Pets: A Budding Medication

We use a wide variety of medications in veterinary medicine. Many of them overlap with human medicine but are prescribed at different dosages and for different conditions. In the last few years, CBD has made its way into veteri

dog sick with thc toxicity

High, How Are You? THC Toxicity in Pets

Marijuana, THC, pot, grass, 420…by any other name, it is no friend of pets. Dogs don’t dab, cats don’t chill, and no hot-boxing allowed. Veterinarians and our staff don’t care what your personal choices are;

dog wearing e-collar

E-Collars: Short Range Shame

A cone or E-collar is one of the most benign-looking torture devices we vets like to inflict on pet parents and their furry friends. Veterinarians have invented many different types of these torture devices: calming collars, bi

puppy held by a veterinarian

When to Make a Short Cut: Spaying & Neutering Pets

When to spay or neuter your pet is a common question for every pet owner, not just first-timers. Recommendations have changed over the years; it used to be as soon as they are big enough for anesthesia to be safe. The decision

holiday hazard for pets

Keep Your Pet Safe by Avoiding These Holiday Follies

As we prepare for our Christmas and holiday celebrations, there are our 4-legged revelers to bear in mind while planning our festivities. Here are a few precarious party stoppers to avoid, so you keep your holiday merry and bri

dogs in front of christmas tree

Home for Christmas: Traveling with Pets

The holidays are when people travel more than any other time of year, and many are taking their pets with them. Here a few tips for traveling with pets and things to consider before you hop on the road or head to the airport to

dog with yellow pills

Pain Management: When Good Intentions Don’t Cut It

Dogs get hurt. It happens, and vets understand. We also understand your desperate need to help your pet when they are hurting, but I implore you: Do not allow yourself to make the situation worse. Avoid the temptation to reach

dog needing porcupine quill removal

A Prickle of Fear: The Danger of Porcupine Quills

Porcupines seem to be particularly plentiful this year and are coming into frequent contact with people, pups, tires, and even cats in surprising numbers. Alaskans have to be watchful for moose in our yards, when out for a walk