Protect Your Dog with These Required & Recommended Vaccines

October 29, 2019

“Which vaccines are required for my dog, and which vaccines are good to have?”

The rabies vaccine is mandated by law in Alaska. The distemper, adenovirus, and parvovirus (DAP) vaccine, while not required by law, is essential for the health of your dog. If you travel with your dog to Canada or the lower 48, also consider vaccinating them against leptospirosis, Lyme, and influenza. Your vet can help you determine which vaccines your dog should receive based on their activities and exposure.

Prevention is the best way to keep your dog healthy, and vaccines are a critical part of canine preventative care. At Tier 1 Veterinary Medical Center, our clients often ask which vaccines are essential for dogs, and which are simply recommended. Vaccinations protect your dog from potentially fatal diseases and you from the heartache of losing your dog to a preventable cause. In this article, Dr. Brooke Wilson provides information on the essential vaccines for dogs in Alaska, as well as some vaccines that may be beneficial depending on your dog’s lifestyle.

Essential Vaccines for Dogs


The Alaska state law requires that dogs are vaccinated against the rabies virus. A puppy first receives the rabies vaccine at around 12 weeks of age, and the vaccine is boostered when the puppy is one-year-old. Then, every three years, the dog must get their rabies vaccination updated.

As a potentially deadly virus for both dogs and humans, protecting against the spread of rabies is essential. The virus transmits when the saliva of an infected animal enters the bloodstream of another. The time of infection to when symptoms begin appearing, referred to as the incubation period, can take anywhere from a few days to several months. Rabies symptoms in dogs range from the “furious” form to the “paralytic” form. Dogs exhibit the furious form by expressing heightened anxiety, aggression with little provocation, and the stereotypical foaming at the mouth. The paralytic form is expressed by hypersalivation and reduced swallowing ability. As the virus progresses in this form, paralysis and then death follows.

While vaccination poses the best defense against rabies, you should also be vigilant when you see wild animals on your property and avoid leaving trash out that could attract such animals.

Distemper, Adenovirus, & Parvovirus (DAP)

Although not mandated by law, another vaccine that is essential in Alaska is the Distemper, Adenovirus, and Parvovirus vaccine. This is commonly referred to as the DAP vaccine. Similar to the rabies vaccine, the DAP vaccine is first administered when your dog is a puppy. It is then boostered at one year of age and renewed every three years thereafter.

As indicated by its name, the DAP vaccine protects against three viruses.

  • Distemper affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems of canines. It spreads through airborne exposure and also affects wildlife populations. No cure exists for distemper, so prevention is key.
  • Adenovirus causes upper respiratory tract infections and targets the liver, kidneys, eyes, and endothelial cells. When left untreated, it leads to canine hepatitis. Adenovirus spreads from one dog to another through saliva, mucus, feces, or urine.
  • Parvovirus is a highly contagious virus. We do see a lot of Parvovirus up here in Alaska, and it is a very devastating disease for pups. It spreads between contact with infected dogs or their feces. Even small, trace amounts of their feces infecting their kennels, collars, or bedding can cause the virus to spread to other dogs. Symptoms of parvovirus include loss of appetite, bloating, lethargy, and bloody diarrhea. If parvo is not caught early, it results in death.

Vaccinating your pup against these viruses does not eliminate the possibility that they contract the illness. However, the DAP vaccine does increase your dog’s ability to fight off these viruses if they are exposed. Additionally, practicing proper hygiene with your dog reduces their risk of acquiring the viruses.

Titer Testing

When it comes time to renew your dog’s DAP vaccine three years after it is boostered, we can first run a Titer test. A Titer test involves drawing some blood and then measuring the number of antibodies present against the Distemper, Adenovirus, and Parvoviruses. If their antibody count indicates that they are still protected against these viruses, renewing their DAP vaccine is not necessary at that time.

Recommended Vaccines for Some Dogs

At Tier 1 Veterinary Medical Center, we recommend additional vaccines if you and your dog travel often. Some scary diseases exist down in the lower 48, and we want your pets to stay protected. These diseases include leptospirosis, Lyme, and influenza.


Leptospirosis occurs most commonly in dogs, but the disease can also spread to people. A dog can catch lepto through exposure to infected urine present in water or soil. Signs vary greatly between cases. Some infected dogs show no signs of the disease, while others develop flu-like symptoms or experience acute organ failure.


Lyme disease spreads through ticks. While ticks are not common in Alaska, your dog is at risk for a tick bite if you travel to a warmer climate. Ticks hide in tall grasses and latch onto your dog as they walk by. Symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs include lethargy, joint swelling, fever, and loss of appetite. Giving your dog a monthly flea & tick preventative also reduces their risk for contracting this disease.


While rarely fatal, canine influenza is an unpleasant experience for dogs and their parents. Similar to the strains of flu that affect humans, canine influenza spreads through airborne secretions from a dog’s respiratory system. They release these secretions when they bark, cough, sneeze, drink from a water bowl, or chew on a toy. Symptoms of influenza in your dog can be coughing, sneezing, fever, runny nose, and trouble breathing.

Preventing Potentially Fatal Diseases

Responsible dog parents take their pup’s health very seriously, and they understand that the best way to protect their dog from fatal illnesses is prevention. Depending on your lifestyle, it might make sense to give your dog for additional vaccines beyond what is essential for all dogs. Talk to your vet about developing a preventive plan for your dog that will help keep them happy and healthy for years to come.

Tier 1 Veterinary Medical Center in Palmer is Alaska’s only comprehensive animal hospital. We are available for emergencies, walk-ins, and by appointment. With CT, MRI, and Ultrasound available on-site, our facility provides advanced treatment options for your pet. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for professional veterinary care, diagnosis, or treatment. If your pet is experiencing a medical emergency, has ongoing health concerns, or requires immediate attention, please consult a licensed veterinarian promptly. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified animal health provider with any questions you may have regarding your pet’s health or medical condition. Reliance on any information provided on this page is solely at your own risk.