Keep in mind,

December 14, 2019

there are always two sides to every story.

Recently, the team at Tier 1 Veterinary Medical Center has been attacked by a group of people online making false accusations about what their experience was at Tier 1 Veterinary Medical Center.

These types of claims are common in the medical industry when only one side of the story is being told.

We stand behind our entire community of medical professionals throughout the State of Alaska and will not tolerate #TrialBySocialMedia silently.

We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards and will not publicly divulge the circumstances of a patient’s care in the same manner the owner of the patient is choosing to. We have made multiple attempts to privately discuss the specifications of each case with the client/owners.

Hate speech victimizes an entire community and as Alaskans, we cannot allow ourselves to encourage this type of unacceptable behavior: online or offline.

This is our home, our community.

#StopTrialBySocialMedia now!