Iodine-131 Therapy for Feline Hyperthyroidism

Tier 1 Veterinary Medical Center offers Iodine-131 Therapy for Cat Hyperthyroidism. Appointments can be made with our Specialty Office at the Veterinary Hospital by calling us at 907-745-TIER.

Warning Signs Your Cat May Have Hyperthyroidism

Our pets are unable to tell us how they are feeling inside but they do give us warning signals sometimes that let us, as pet owners, know that something is not “right.”

If you are wondering how to identify symptoms of hyperthyroidism in your cat, observe their behavior and look for irregular symptoms.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism in cats include:

  • Weight Loss, muscle mass loss, poor body condition
  • Increased Appetite
  • Increased Thirst
  • Increased Urination
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Hyperactivity/vocalization
  • Greasy or unkempt coat

Greasy and unkempt hair in a cat that is experiencing hyperthyroidism can make them look mangy and give the appearance that they have been living in the streets instead of your home. The hair often mattes together randomly and reappears regardless of grooming.

Frequently Asked Questions About Feline Hyperthyroidism